Kanbox vs. Waalaxy

Kanbox vs. Waalaxy

Kanbox and Waalaxy, powerful tools for prospecting on LinkedIn.

Kanbox and Waalaxy are two prospecting and automation solutions designed to enhance sales and recruitment performance on LinkedIn. While Kanbox relies on simple and effective management of interactions and conversations during automation campaigns and beyond, Waalaxy tries to expand its scope by offering cold mailing. Let's explore these two solutions to assess their strengths and weaknesses.

Key Differences

Combining Automations and CRM feature

Waalaxy allows you to easily create automated campaigns over Linkedin. It’s quite convenient for that. But it acts like a black box : you launch your campaigns, and then you wait for answers in your Linkedin Inbox not really knowing what’s going on in between.

With Kanbox, it’s totally different. We’ve chosen to combine automations and Sales pipelines (Kanban boards) natively integrated with LinkedIn. All your outreach workflow is visual. And, at a glance, you get a crystal clear view of what’s going on. In one of the columns of your pipeline, you know who has answered your cold messages, you get a clear TODO list of your actions, really easy and convenient to follow up!

Kanbox Automations
Kanbox Automations
Kanbox CRM Pipeline
Kanbox CRM Pipeline

Additionally, the pipelines generated during an automation campaign allow member cards to move automatically from column to column until the end of the campaign, making the pipeline process automated.

An fully integrated Inbox

The inbox is completely tied to all the other functionalities. It’s not a separated add-on. And so, you can easily organize your conversations to identify your outreach messages and your personnel ones.

Also, the inbox cannot just manage your conversations. It helps you organize all of your network : your first degree connections and your contacts. You get all the tools to be able to organize your network, being able to separate your prospects from your customers, investors, coworkers and then share only the relevant information with specific groups or individuals as well as personalize your approach.

Kanbox Inbox
Kanbox Inbox
Full-screen chat
Full-screen chat

Elevating Linkedin scraping to unparalleled precision

In order to create a campaign, you need to prepare a list of leads. Much more than exporting users out of Linkedin, Kanbox scrapes like Waalaxy, but also:

  • Lets you refine your lists a posteriori: once your list is scraped, you get advanced filters to refine it, clean unwanted users, split it…
  • Fine-tuned filters for improved precision:
    • Match / Not Match
    • Duplicated / Not duplicated in other lists
    • Added / Not added to an Inbox or Pipeline of my team
    • Is a Connection / Is not a Connection
    • Enriched Email Address: Is provided / Is not provided / Contains / Not contains
    • Scraped Email Address: Is provided / Is not provided / Contains / Not contains
    • Phone number: Is provided / Is not provided
    • Is Open Profile / Is not Open Profile
    • Is Open to Work / Is not Open to Work
    • Is Premium / Is not Premium
    • Language: Contains / Not contains
    • Job title: Contains / Not contains
    • Number of connection: More than / Less Than
    • Skills: Contains / Not contains
    • Years in Job: More than / Less Than
    • Years in Company: More than / Less Than
    • Headline: Contains / Not contains
    • Location: Contains / Not contains
    • Company name: Contains / Not contains
    • Company employees count: More than / Less Than
    • Company founded since: More than / Less Than
    • Company industry: Contains / Not contains
  • Then you can use part of your list in a Kanbox CRM Pipeline and outreach through linkedin
Kanbox Lead Manager
Kanbox Lead Manager


Lead Export & Management

KanboxWaalaxy Pricing
Export Sales Navigator Search
Export Linkedin Search
Export Linkedin profile
Export List of Linkedin profil Urls
Export contributors of Linkedin Post
Export attendees of Linkedin events
Export members of Linkedin groups
Avoid duplicates
Check if a user scraped from a Sales Navigator search matches the search filters
Data cleaning : clean user and company names
Refine scraped lists with advanced filters
Email finder
Email verifier
Only pay for valid email

CRM Pipline

At Waalaxy, there is no CRM Pipeline feature to track and facilitate action-taking during and after a prospecting campaign.

KanboxWaalaxy Pricing
Natively integrated LinkedIn CRM Pipelines
Automated CRM Pipelines
Columns bulk actions
Sales Pipeline templates
Recuiters Pipeline templates


At Waalaxy, the Inbox is not included in the subscription price. It's an extension that is billed separately.

Kanbox pricingWaalaxy Pricing
Automated sequences - visit profiles
Automated sequences - Send invitations
Automated sequences - Send messages and follow-up
Automated sequences - Follow user
CRM Pipelines
Automated sequences - AB test messagesMay 2024
Automated CRM Pipelines
Campaigns analytics
Email outreach

Inbox & Chat

At Waalaxy, the Inbox is not included in the subscription price. It's an extension that is billed separately.

KanboxWaalaxy Pricing
Templates Messages and custom variables
Scheduled messagesMay 2024
Bulk actions (invite, message, archive)
Organize conversations
Organize connections
Add notes to a user
Full-screen Chat
UXGmail like, full screen, very efficientLess ergonomic tabular interface


Automations50 Eur. / month56 Eur. / month
InboxFully included20 Eur. / month
Lead ManagerFully included
CRM PipelineFully included
Email Credits15 Eur. / 1000 credits30 Eur. / 500 credits
Live chat support (with humans)IncludedIncluded


Why you should make the switch from Waalaxy to Kanbox?

Here are some more of the reasons clients have shared for why they’ve chosen Kanbox over Waalaxy:

A comprehensive and more affordable tool

Many customers previously relied on multiple tools for tasks such as scraping, email finding, automation, inbox management, and CRM, each requiring separate subscriptions. Kanbox integrates all these functionalities into one platform, offered at a single, more affordable subscription price compared to purchasing each tool separately. Additionally, Kanbox streamlines lead list management directly within the platform, eliminating the need for Excel file handling.

More convenient to prepare your lists of leads

No need to export, clean and import back your lists of leads. You can do everything from within Kanbox thanks to advanced filters and match analysis!

Sales pipelines to manage your workflows!

Your automations tool is not a black box anymore. With pipelines, you have a clear view of what’s going on, you can easily track campaigns progress. Also you get a clear view of manual actions you have to do, answers you have to provide…