Become a Kanbox Affiliate for Sustainable Income

Open the door to lucrative opportunities with the Kanbox Affiliate Program

Monetize your audience, earn attractive commissions, and become part of our thriving community.

30% Commission for Each Client Over 3 Years!

Our program offers a generous 30% commission on each client's subscription, and it will last for 3 years!

Use Kanbox to Expand your Affiliate Business

As an affiliate, you gain access* to the Kanbox platform, allowing you to track trial accounts, easily request connections, send messages, and take action. Foster and strengthen relationships with your affiliates.

* Some features are limited unless you subscribe to a plan for your account.

Monthly Commissions

Commissions are calculated monthly, based on the subscription payments made by your referred users in the previous month. For complete details, please refer to the payment terms and conditions.

One-Month Free Trial for Affiliates

Affiliated clients get a free one-month trial on sign-up-a straightforward, risk-free way to experience our services firsthand. It not only benefits them but also increases the chances of long-term satisfaction. Keep it simple.

How to join the Kanbox Affiliate Program?

  1. Download the Kanbox Chrome extension for free. This extension allows you to fully explore the Kanbox solution and effectively present it to your audience. Furthermore, Kanbox can be utilized to monitor and manage your affiliates.
  2. Next, within Kanbox, navigate to the affiliate page and click the 'Start My Affiliate Program' button. You will then be prompted to create a partner account through Stripe, which will facilitate commission payouts.
  3. After completing your registration, you will discover the affiliate link on the same page, which you can share with your audience. Any new Kanbox customer who signs up using this link becomes your affiliate. In the same place, you can keep an eye on your affiliates, whether they are testing Kanbox or have already subscribed.
  4. You will receive a 30% commission for each new affiliate customer.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do you track my sales and performance?
Once you're registered, you'll receive a unique, shareable affiliate link that you can use right away. We use cookie tracking and your affiliate link to record new accounts and sales, which you can monitor in your dashboard.
How much can I earn?
The earning potential is limitless. The more your referrals result in conversions through your affiliate link, the more money you'll earn. We pay a recurring 30% commission for each subscription.
When will I be paid?
Commissions are paid around the 20th of each month for verified sales from the previous month.
Do I have free access to Kanbox as an affiliate?
To allow you to see and promote the service, you can access a free version of the service. This lets you explore all the tool's features, although some may have limitations. You can always subscribe to a plan yourself to unlock the tool's full potential.
Does the Kanbox affiliate program offer recurring commissions?
Yes, our program offers a 30% commission on all renewed subscriptions, and this extends for a period of 3 years.
What happens if a potential customer visits the Kanbox site through my recommendation but subscribes at a later date by going directly to the Kanbox website?
We use cookies, so if a sale occurs within 30 days of a customer's visit to the Kanbox site, you will still receive compensation for that sale.