The Best Tools for Prospecting on LinkedIn with Sales Navigator

The Best Tools for Prospecting on LinkedIn with Sales Navigator

LinkedIn, with its more than 950 million members, is the platform of choice for professionals looking to expand their network, gain visibility, and prospect effectively. So how do you identify and contact the most relevant prospects who truly match what you offer?

Facing this challenge, LinkedIn has developed a premium solution, LinkedIn Sales Navigator. This advanced sales prospecting tool facilitates searching, tracking, and interacting with qualified prospects. With its advanced features, you can access key data about your prospects, personalize your approaches, and refine your sales strategy.

However, Sales Navigator is not the only tool at your disposal for effective prospecting on LinkedIn. There are other complementary tools available that allow data scraping, automation of operations, profile management, and measurement of the impact of your actions. In this article, we will explore the best tools to optimize your prospecting on LinkedIn with Sales Navigator and provide you with concrete case studies to guide you.

What is LinkedIn Sales Navigator?

LinkedIn Sales Navigator is a paid solution offered by LinkedIn, designed to increase the efficiency of lead discovery and sales pipeline management. It is intended for sales professionals looking to maximize the potential of LinkedIn, the world's largest professional social network with more than 950 million members.

This service provides advanced features not available in LinkedIn's free or premium versions. These features include:

  • Advanced search filters to identify prospects based on specific criteria (industry, location, function, company size, etc.)
  • Personalized lead recommendations tailored to your profile and preferences
  • Alerts on job changes, keyword mentions, or updates from your leads and accounts
  • Creation of custom lead and account lists
  • Access to strategic data about your prospects such as their role in decision-making, interest in your offering, or activity on LinkedIn
  • Sending personalized messages to prospects via LinkedIn InMail
  • Integration with popular sales tools such as CRM, Outlook, or the Sales Navigator mobile app

LinkedIn Sales Navigator is an essential tool for segmenting your audience and conducting both more targeted and effective prospecting. It's a surefire way to increase your conversion rate and optimize your revenue.

How to use Sales Navigator for prospecting?

To fully leverage Sales Navigator in your prospecting efforts, a premium subscription alone is not enough. It is crucial to master its features and best practices to maximize the effectiveness of your searches and interactions with prospects.

Here are key tips to optimize your use of Sales Navigator during prospecting.

Firstly, it's essential to define your Ideal Customer Profile (ICP) and segmentation criteria. The ICP precisely describes the type of client you aim to attract and retain, including information such as industry, company size, revenue, location, needs, motivations, and specific obstacles. Segmentation helps you divide your target market into homogeneous groups based on criteria relevant to your offering, thereby facilitating a personalized approach.

Next, using Sales Navigator's advanced search is essential to identify prospects aligned with your ICP and segmentation. This feature allows you to refine your search with filters such as industry, job title, seniority, company size, and more. Using boolean search further enriches this search, combining keywords with logical operators for increased precision.

Lastly, personalized and meaningful engagement with your prospects is crucial. Here's how Sales Navigator can help you:

  • Lead Recommendations: Proposes potential prospects based on your profile and interactions to add to your watchlists.
  • Alerts: Informs you about professional developments of your prospects, such as job changes or key mentions, for a contextualized approach.
  • Custom Lists: Allows creation of targeted lists of prospects or accounts to follow, facilitating organization and information sharing within your team.
  • Strategic Insights: Provides valuable data about your prospects to personalize your messages and strengthen your connections.
  • Personalized Messages: Uses LinkedIn InMail to directly contact your prospects with a tailored message to initiate conversation.

In conclusion, Sales Navigator is an indispensable tool for effective prospecting, conditioned by a good understanding of its multiple functions. Defining your ICP precisely, refining your searches, and adopting personalized communication are key steps to maximizing its benefits.

Complementary tools for prospecting with Sales Navigator

Sales Navigator is an excellent platform for prospecting on LinkedIn. However, other complementary tools exist that can boost your prospecting efforts and increase your efficiency.

These tools offer features absent in Sales Navigator, such as data exportation, task automation, advanced prospect management, and precise tracking of results. Discover below examples of tools that can enrich your experience with Sales Navigator.

Designed for B2B lead generation on LinkedIn, complements Sales Navigator perfectly. It facilitates exporting your lists of prospects directly to your CRM or an Excel file.

It also offers the opportunity to automate sending personalized messages, connection requests, or follow-ups with your prospects. Moreover, it aids in managing your prospects with advanced filters and custom lists, while allowing you to precisely measure your performance through detailed statistics. proves to be a simple, economical, and efficient tool to enhance your prospecting on LinkedIn with Sales Navigator.


A rich platform of business data, startups, investors, and market trends, Crunchbase helps enrich your prospect data with crucial information such as revenue, employee count, or major events like fundraising rounds.

It also allows you to discover new prospects through sector, location, or funding stage searches, offering seamless integration with Sales Navigator for in-depth strategic insights.

LinkedIn Helper

This Chrome extension assists you in automating actions on LinkedIn, such as sending personalized messages or connection requests. It enables scraping of crucial information about your prospects like email addresses or websites. LinkedIn Helper, used in conjunction with Sales Navigator, can significantly improve your prospecting efficiency.

In conclusion, bolstering Sales Navigator with additional complementary tools ensures an expanded feature set for more effective and personalized LinkedIn prospecting. These tools bring solid advantages in terms of exportation, automation, enrichment, management, and measurement of your prospecting efforts.

Case Studies

To highlight the importance of additional tools in prospecting via Sales Navigator, let's explore some successful case studies. Discover how these solutions can boost lead generation, optimize your schedule, and elevate your revenue.

Case Study 1: is a dedicated B2B lead generation application on LinkedIn, working in tandem with Sales Navigator. It offers the ability to export your prospect and account lists to a CRM or Excel file, automate your prospecting campaigns, efficiently manage your prospects, and evaluate your performance.

Guillaume's case, co-founder of a growth hacking agency, perfectly illustrates the success with He uses this platform to identify and reach out to qualified prospects on LinkedIn through Sales Navigator's advanced search.

Guillaume creates custom prospect lists, exports them to his CRM using, and sets up automated, personalized InMail campaigns. He monitors his prospects' activities and follows up with those showing interest, while measuring the impact of his actions through's detailed statistics.

With, Guillaume boosted his response rate by 30%, conversion rate by 20%, and revenue by 50%, while gaining efficiency and saving time in his prospecting efforts. He states, " is indispensable in our growth hacker toolbox. Simple, practical, effective."

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Case Study 2: Crunchbase

Crunchbase is an essential resource providing information on companies, startups, investors, and current market trends. It allows you to enrich your prospects' and accounts' profiles with key data and discover new prospects through detailed search criteria.

The synergy between Crunchbase and Sales Navigator provides valuable insights into your target prospects and accounts. Valérie, VP Business Support at a consulting firm, uses Crunchbase to identify prospects aligned with her strategy and marketing services. She filters searches to target recently funded companies in her industry and geography.

She then imports these companies into Sales Navigator, where she can access strategic data through Crunchbase's integration and contacts them via personalized InMails.

Crunchbase has enabled Valérie to find highly potential prospects requiring her consulting services, while refining her approach with relevant Crunchbase data. She shares, "Crunchbase is essential for targeting qualified prospects on LinkedIn."

Case Study 3: LinkedIn Helper

LinkedIn Helper, a Chrome extension, streamlines automation of various LinkedIn tasks such as sending personalized messages, connection requests, and thank-you notes. It also facilitates scraping of your prospects' and accounts' data. In conjunction with Sales Navigator, LinkedIn Helper helps maximize the efficiency of your prospecting.

Pascal, CEO of a web development company, uses LinkedIn Helper to automate his prospect search on LinkedIn, leveraging Sales Navigator's advanced search feature. He automatically contacts targeted prospects with LinkedIn Helper, sending personalized messages, connection requests, and expressions of gratitude based on their interactions.

Thanks to LinkedIn Helper, Pascal significantly increased his response and conversion rates, while enriching his client database. He concludes, "LinkedIn Helper is a powerful and easy-to-use tool, far surpassing other solutions we've tested."

In summary, these case studies highlight how complementary tools can revolutionize your approach to prospecting with Sales Navigator, whether through exportation, automation, enrichment, management, or analysis of your efforts. Among these tools, stands out for its ease of use, affordability, and remarkable effectiveness.


As you've undoubtedly understood, LinkedIn Sales Navigator plays a crucial role in LinkedIn prospecting. This tool effectively assists you in identifying, tracking, and interacting with high-quality prospects, leveraging cutting-edge search and targeting features.

That being said, Sales Navigator isn't the only solution to optimize your LinkedIn prospecting. On the market, you'll find complementary tools capable of boosting your productivity and enhancing your prospecting experience.

These additional solutions offer the ability to export, automate, enrich, manage, and measure your prospecting initiatives. Among them, stands out for its ease of use, affordability, and remarkable effectiveness.

So, are you ready to expand your prospecting activities on LinkedIn with Sales Navigator and its supplements? To learn more about these tools or try for free, feel free to contact us.

We'll be delighted to support you in your LinkedIn prospecting journey.


How to prospect on Sales Navigator?

To optimize your prospecting on Sales Navigator, here are some effective tips:

  • Start with advanced search to identify prospects that precisely match your criteria (industry, size, location, etc.).
  • Save your searches to be notified of new prospects that match your criteria.
  • Stay attentive to the activities of saved prospects on LinkedIn (posts, shares, updates, etc.).
  • Take notes on each prospect to personalize your future approaches.
  • Use InMail, LinkedIn's messaging service, to contact your prospects with a unique offering.

What is the best prospecting tool for LinkedIn?

The best LinkedIn prospecting tool depends primarily on your specific goals, budget, and personal preferences. Here are some recommendations:

  • For an all-in-one solution to automate your prospecting across various channels, including LinkedIn, consider Kanbox, Waalaxy, or LinkedHelper.
  • For a tool dedicated to LinkedIn prospecting, offering the ability to create connections, send messages, extract data, and manage campaigns, think of Kanbox, PhantomBuster, or Dux-Soup.
  • For a social selling-focused approach, aiming to create and promote attractive content, Buffer or Hootsuite can be good options.
  • If you need a simple scraping tool to extract data from LinkedIn, Evaboot or Lusha can meet your needs, but is also one of the functionalities of Kanbox!

Conducting an effective search on Sales Navigator involves following these steps:

  • Log in to Sales Navigator and choose the option to search by prospect or company types.
  • Use the many filters available to refine your search based on desired criteria (location, job function, relationship level, etc.).
  • Save your search to receive email alerts when new prospects or accounts match your criteria.

How to prospect effectively on LinkedIn?

For effective prospecting on LinkedIn:

  • Identify prospects who match your ideal customer persona using advanced search filters. Refine your search by industry, company size, job title, location, etc.
  • Engage your prospects with personalized and relevant messages that demonstrate your interest and value. Prefer InMail or request an introduction through a mutual connection to establish contact.

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