What is Social Selling?

Qu'est-ce que le social selling ?

Social selling is much more than just sales tactics! Imagine yourself chatting with a friend over coffee, but instead of discussing your latest favorite TV show, you're talking about your business or services. That's a bit like social selling! It's about creating genuine connections and natural conversations on social networks.

By using social selling, you're not just selling a product or service, you're primarily selling your expertise, your experience, and your authenticity. This is what enables you to become THE reference in your field, the go-to person for advice or recommendations.

And guess what? By establishing these trust-based relationships from the start, you make the sales process much smoother and enjoyable for everyone. Because let's be honest, nobody likes feeling pushed to buy something, right?

Social Networks

Now, let's talk about the psychological aspect. Did you know that people are more likely to do business with individuals they know, like, and trust?

That's where social selling comes in! By showcasing yourself in the best light on social media, sharing relevant content, and engaging in authentic conversations, you're building an emotional connection with your prospects.

And of course, there are psychological biases to consider. For example, the confirmation bias: people tend to seek information that confirms what they already believe. By using social selling strategically, you can influence these beliefs and shape your brand's perception.

Social selling is all of this and much more! It's a human, friendly, and effective approach to growing your business while creating authentic and lasting relationships with your customers.

So, are you ready to dive into the world of social selling? 💼✨

Social Selling: Being Market-Aware

Social selling is a fantastic opportunity to carefully listen to the needs and challenges of your target market.

Share authentic content

By staying receptive and understanding the issues faced by your audience, you can adjust your sales approach and offer more relevant and tailored solutions. This is how you can truly connect with your prospects and establish strong relationships based on trust and mutual understanding.

Every post, every comment, every interaction is an opportunity to spark interest from your audience and solicit their feedback. By sharing a quick insight or a relevant tip, you encourage your prospects to engage in the conversation.

That's the magic of social selling!

The Multiple Benefits of Social Selling

Now that you have a better understanding of social selling, here are the multiple benefits and its tangible impact on your business.

Building Long-lasting Business Relationships

As mentioned earlier, social selling emphasizes creating authentic and lasting relationships with prospects. These relationships are based on trust and engagement, leading to solid long-term business partnerships.

Demonstrating Your Expertise

By regularly sharing relevant content and actively participating in discussions in your field, you have the opportunity to showcase your expertise and position yourself as an authority in your industry. This enhances the credibility of your brand and naturally attracts prospects' attention.

Expanding Your Prospecting Reach

Through social networks, you have the opportunity to reach a much wider and more diverse audience. This means you can reach qualified prospects who may have been out of your reach before, thereby increasing your chances of generating leads and business opportunities.

What are the 3 pillars of Social Selling?

Have you ever wondered what exactly the 3 pillars of Social Selling mean and find these terms a bit obscure? In reality, behind these English concepts are very interesting ideas that I will try to explain.

1 / Trigger Selling

Trigger Selling is the ability to detect buying signals or trigger events that prompt a prospect to seek a solution.

This could be a change in the prospect's company, a social media post indicating a need, or even a previous interaction with your brand.

Understanding these triggers allows you to engage the prospect at the right time, thereby increasing your chances of conversion.

Example of Trigger Selling

You are a software company and you notice that a business has recently experienced a major system outage: this could be a buying signal for that business.

2 / Insight Selling

Insight Selling involves providing your prospects with relevant information and valuable advice to help them better understand their own challenges and opportunities.

Rather than simply promoting your products or services, the idea is to offer clear explanations when prospects encounter problems and difficulties.

Take the time to try to solve prospects' issues by sharing successful experiences and successes with clients facing similar problems. The focus is on how these problems could be solved, without necessarily directly mentioning the products or services that helped.

This demonstrates your expertise, empathy, and willingness to help, which builds trust with prospects.

Examples of Insight Selling for a Service

Let's say you are a personal development coach specializing in guiding young professionals at the beginning of their careers.

  • Share inspiring articles and videos on stress management, goal achievement, and professional skills development through your blog and social media channels.
  • Host free online workshops to discuss common challenges faced by young professionals and strategies to overcome them.
  • Encourage active participation and exchange of experiences among participants during online workshops.
  • Offer personalized coaching sessions to interested participants, highlighting your goal-oriented approach and commitment to helping them reach their full potential.

3 / Referral Selling

Referral Selling relies on the power of recommendations and references.

Rather than actively seeking out new prospects, you capitalize on your existing relationships to obtain recommendations from satisfied customers, partners, or even other members of your professional network.

Recommendations are extremely powerful because they are based on the trust and credibility already established by the person recommending your business. This greatly facilitates the sales process and allows access to high-quality prospects.

Example of Referral Selling

  • Rewards for Satisfied Customers: In addition to formal referral programs, some companies offer rewards or special benefits to their satisfied customers who actively recommend their products or services to their network. This can take the form of discounts, free products, or other attractive incentives.
  • Business-to-Business (B2B) Referral Programs: Companies can establish referral programs between businesses to encourage their commercial partners or suppliers to recommend their products or services to other businesses in their professional network.
  • Partner Networks: Some companies establish partnerships with other complementary businesses in their field. These partnerships may include mutual recommendation agreements, where each company commits to recommending the products or services of its partner to its own customers.

What is a Social Selling Strategy?

The 5 Cs of Social Selling Strategy

A social selling strategy is based on the principles of the 5 Cs:

1 / Customer Targeting

Precisely identify prospects who are most likely to be interested in your products or services. This involves understanding their profile, needs, and online behaviors.

Imagine you're a high-end beauty product sales company. To effectively target your prospects, you could use advanced search tools on social networks to find people who follow beauty industry influencers or are members of beauty and wellness-related groups.

2 / Content

Create and share relevant, high-quality content that captures the attention of your target audience. This can include blog articles, videos, infographics, or case studies that address your prospects' questions and challenges.

You could create content such as a comprehensive guide to summer makeup trends, a video tutorial on applying your new foundation, or an infographic on ingredients to avoid in beauty products. This content would provide added value to your target audience and pique their interest in your products.

3 / Conversations

Engage in authentic conversations with your prospects on social media. Ask questions, respond to their comments, and offer personalized advice and solutions. The goal is to build strong relationships and showcase your expertise in your field.

Conversation: Example Post

🚀 How to boost your business data management?

Hello everyone! 👋🏼

Today, I want to address a super important topic for the success of our businesses: data management. It may seem a bit technical, but I'm sure you all have great ideas on this!

So here's my question for you: have you ever faced challenges with data management? What worked well for you, and what gave you headaches? 🤔

Personally, I think automation and real-time analysis can really make a difference.

But I'm curious to hear what you think! What are your tips for making data management more efficient and fun? 😄

This post illustrates the importance of generating engagement by asking relevant questions to the audience, which fosters interactions and strengthens relationships with prospects, crucial elements in a social selling strategy.

4 / Connection

Establish strong links and relationships with your professional network, including prospects, clients, and partners. Remember to maintain these relationships by staying in regular contact and offering added value with each interaction.

Example Connection Request

Hello Jean,

I recently noticed your post on LinkedIn where you shared your analysis of new trends in digital marketing in the retail industry. Your insights into the growing importance of visual content strategies to boost consumer engagement really caught my attention.

As a marketing manager in the technology sector, I'm also passionate about the evolution of content strategies and am always looking for new ideas to strengthen our company's presence. I would love to learn more about your approach and exchange insights on our respective experiences.

Would you be available for a quick call this week to discuss this trend and share our perspectives?

Looking forward to connecting with you,

Best regards,
[Your name]

5 / Conversion

Turn interactions and relationships into concrete sales opportunities. This can be done by offering product demonstrations, special offers, or personalized recommendations that address the specific needs of your prospects.

Ideas to Trigger Conversion

Offer special deals or exclusive promotional codes to your social media followers to encourage them to make a purchase. You could also host online events such as webinars or live Q&A sessions to showcase your products and answer your prospects' questions in real-time.

Tips for Effective Implementation

Set Clear Objectives
Determine what you want to achieve with your social selling strategy and work towards those goals.
Invest in Training
Ensure your team is well-trained in social selling practices and available tools. The more competent they are, the better the results.
An Impeccable Social Profile
Ensure that your profile and those of your team on social platforms are complete, professional, and reflect your expertise. Use relevant keywords to facilitate prospect search. Check out our guide to optimize your LinkedIn profile before starting your prospecting.
Share Valuable Content
Share interesting and relevant content for your target audience. This can include blog articles, case studies, explanatory videos, etc. Regular publishing rhythm is crucial for your strategy as it allows you to stay present in your followers' news feed, increasing your chances of being seen and fostering interactions.
Be Active and Engaged
Don't remain passive on social networks. Engage with your followers, respond to their comments, ask questions, and participate in discussions.
Use Research Tools
Utilize advanced search features on social platforms, especially on LinkedIn, to find potential prospects based on specific criteria such as industry, location, position, etc.

1 / LinkedIn: For Professional Networking and Targeted Prospecting

Undisputed leader in social selling, LinkedIn is where professionals connect, share professional content, and build strong business relationships. It's the perfect place for B2B and businesses focused on professional services.

LinkedIn is often favored by B2B professionals, service businesses, consulting firms, freelancers, and job seekers. It is effective for professional networking, recruitment, sharing educational content, and generating qualified leads.

2 / Twitter: For its Virality

Twitter stands out for its ability to spread information rapidly on a large scale. Indeed, thanks to the virality of tweets, it's possible to reach a wide audience in record time. In the context of social selling, this virality can be used to disseminate relevant content, engage in conversations with potential prospects, and amplify your brand's visibility.

However, the brevity of tweets can sometimes limit the depth of interactions and require a concise yet impactful communication strategy.

Twitter is popular among media outlets, public figures, tech companies, entertainment brands, and communication professionals. It's used to share real-time news, promote events, engage in conversation with the public, and follow trends.

3 / Facebook: For Demographic Targeting and Optimal Connectivity

Facebook, with its wide range of users and community groups, offers an ideal canvas for social selling. By focusing on the demographics of its users, brands can effectively target their audience and create relevant content.

The platform's visual features capture attention and drive engagement, while analytics tools provide valuable insights to refine the strategy and maximize results.

Facebook is widely used by B2C businesses, retail stores, restaurants, consumer brands, and non-profit organizations. It's ideal for content marketing, targeted advertising, customer relationship management, and creating online communities.

4 / Instagram: The Visual Art of Social Selling

On Instagram, visual content is essential for attracting users' attention and engagement. Businesses can use high-quality images and videos to showcase their products in an appealing way and tell a story around their brand.

With a young and engaged audience, Instagram offers an ideal platform for businesses targeting millennials and Generation Z. By understanding this demographic and using Instagram's creative features, businesses can strengthen their social selling strategy and build authentic relationships with their audience.

Instagram is favored by fashion brands, beauty brands, travel brands, food brands, and lifestyle brands. It emphasizes visual content, ephemeral stories, collaborations with influencers, and creating an attractive brand aesthetic.

5 / TikTok: The New Frontier of Social Selling

TikTok, with its rapid rise in popularity, offers a unique opportunity for social selling, especially for brands targeting a younger audience. With its format of short and entertaining videos, businesses can create engaging and viral content that captures users' attention.

By leveraging popular trends and challenges on TikTok, brands can increase their visibility and credibility while building authentic connections with their audience. By understanding the primarily young TikTok user demographic, businesses can adapt their social selling strategy to better meet the needs and interests of this specific audience.

TikTok primarily attracts young generations and is used by entertainment brands, content creators, emerging artists, and businesses looking to reach a young and creative audience. It stands out for its short video format and playful, viral atmosphere.

Instagram vs TikTok?

While both TikTok and Instagram are popular social media platforms, they have significant differences in terms of audience, content format, engagement, and content strategies.

Instagram is more focused on visual content and attracts a wider audience, while TikTok stands out for its short and viral videos, primarily attracting a young and engaged audience. Therefore, brands must adapt their social selling strategies based on the specifics of each platform.

Recommendations for Choosing the Right Network

To choose the most suitable social network for your social selling strategy, first identify your target audience, your business objectives, and your communication style.

Carefully evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of each platform to determine which one will maximize your impact and results.

Then focus your efforts on building your presence on that network, providing valuable content, and regularly interacting with your audience.

And What About YouTube?

YouTube plays a crucial role in social selling by providing a platform to create engaging and informative video content. Brands can share tutorials, product demonstrations, and customer testimonials to showcase their expertise and value proposition. Additionally, features such as comments, likes, and shares enable engagement with the audience and strengthen relationships with prospects.

Significantly for social selling, YouTube contributes to online SEO efforts. Well-optimized videos can appear in Google search results, thus increasing brand and product visibility. By producing high-quality video content and using appropriate SEO techniques, businesses can attract organic traffic to their videos, which can translate into qualified leads and sales opportunities.

Social Selling Boosts Your SEO

Creating and sharing content on social networks boosts your online presence. But don't underestimate the hidden potential of these efforts! After investing time and energy in creating valuable content, consider repurposing it on your website, blog, and platforms like YouTube. Indeed, this content often remains confined within the private universe of social networks. Making it accessible to the public not only expands your audience but also significantly strengthens your organic SEO.

The Top 5 Tools for Your LinkedIn Social Selling Strategy

  1. LinkedIn Sales Navigator: For prospecting on LinkedIn.
  2. Kanbox: For efficiently generating your LinkedIn network, extracting and filtering Sales Navigator prospect lists, finding their professional emails, automating your prospecting (connection requests, messages, and follow-ups), and having a CRM connected to LinkedIn.
  3. Evaboot: For extracting your prospect lists from LinkedIn Sales Navigator and finding emails.
  4. Waalaxy: For extracting your prospect lists from LinkedIn Sales Navigator, automating your prospecting, and finding emails.
  5. Lemlist: For cold email campaigns.

Some Stats on Social Selling Strategy

  • According to LinkedIn, 78% of social sellers surpass their non-social peers.
  • A HubSpot study found that 71% of sales professionals who use social selling surpass their colleagues who do not use this approach.
  • According to a survey by CSO Insights and Seismic, 31% of companies say that the quality of their relationships with their customers has become closer thanks to social selling.
  • A Forrester study found that social sellers are 51% more likely to reach their sales quotas than those who do not use this method.
  • According to research by LinkedIn, B2B buyers are five times more likely to engage with a seller who provides relevant information and insights.

These statistics highlight the growing importance of social selling in today's business landscape. By understanding and effectively using this approach, you can not only improve your sales performance but also strengthen relationships with your customers and prospects.